
Thursday 4 August 2016

Hover Bike

This is my Hover bike Poster I made with Gozan. For this task I had to create an advertisement on a hover bike. Gozan and I have came up with this. The persuasive language in this Ad is make your friends feel envy Buy it Ride It Hover It. I think this task was a bit hard because we didn't agree with some stuff. The purpose of this task was to sell a product.  

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sylis. It is interesting to know that you didn't agree with some of the persuasive language features you used. What would you have done differently? Looking at your DLOI can see clearly which persuasive language features you have used to hook your audience in but when I read your blurb I see that you haven't drawn our attention to them. Please reword your blurb so that it identifies the persuasive language features that you used. This will help your readers make a stronger connection to your task.
