
Wednesday 13 May 2015


For maths last week we made a battleship map. It was hard to make it but I did it. First we found a map to use so we could make a map. We had to make a 10 by 10 grid. How i did it fast is a made one line then grouped it. After that I copied and pasted then grouped the new line to the last line. I did that till it was finished. Then I added numbers and letters. This is my map when it was finished I just need to add the boats. I learnt how to read quotients.   


  1. That's a good map of the area around Gallipoli, Sylis. There is plenty of water for ships to be placed on and it has a straight grid. How did you play Battleships, and what maths skill do you need to be able to play Battleships?

  2. Hi Sylis this is Joshua I really like your battle ship grid

  3. Hi Sylis this is Joshua I really like your battle ship grid
