
Thursday 1 September 2016

Magic Box Poem

I will put into the box ...
Fragrant roses that remind me of love from my grandma.
A touch of snow that I once felt on my fingers.
A gift that my family gives me, Love.

I will put into the box …
A ton of kindness and happiness to share around.
Something that I will never forget, Family and friends.
A memorably good horror movie.

I will put into the box …
What is right in front of me and that is the love of my video games.
The smiling faces that I have helped in my lifetime.
My great grandfather's medal from WW1

My box is fashioned with silk from a spider's web and ever lasting love, with Gold on the lid and Silver in the corners.

Its hinges are as dark as the night sky

I shall put the love of all my family in my box

This is my poem that I have completed today. I wrote what I would put in a magic box. I had to think of 12 things to put in my box. I also put some things that are important to me and my family. I liked this task because It reminded me of some fun memories.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous poem Sylis! You have painted a very clear picture with your words. I really like the line 'Fragrant roses that remind me of love from my grandma.' It is so nice to have such special memories :)
