
Thursday 14 December 2017

NEXT Foundation Assembly

Yesterday at assembly we had some people from the board of trustees and the NEXT foundation come to our school. Rachel (the creator of SLJ) also visited. Mr Johnston, Rachel and Bill Kermode (the CEO of the NEXT foundation) got up on stage and talked about the Summer Learning Journey. Some students from PBS also got to talk about the Summer Learning Journey. We also got to watch a video staring one of our students, Daniel. The movie was about the Summer Learning Journey program. The video is above if you want to watch it. We also got to have free lunch after the special assembly. It was a delicious lunch. Thank you to the NEXT foundation for providing us free lunch.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Screencastify - Christmas In Switzerland

This week LS2 is learning about how to work as a team and how to work collaboratively. We discussed about different countries who celebrate Christmas. We were split into groups and had to choose a country that we would like to research about Christmas. We decided to research about Christmas in Switzerland. We learnt a lot of new things about how people celebrate Christmas in different ways. There are four languages spoken in Switzerland which are German, Italian, French and Romanch .  Above shows you our DLO about Christmas in Switzerland and we made a screencastify to record our thinking about Christmas in Switzerland.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Maths - Cleanup Crew

For maths today, we were doing some geometry coordination. First of all, we had to complete four pages of reading maps. Then, we were given a piece paper with instructions and a piece of paper with a half completed dog. Our challenge was to follow the instructions to complete the dog. We then had to color the dog in. For this task, we had to remember and use the ladder rule (You can't go up and across but you can go across then up)

Google Game

Today I played a google game. The aim of the game was to collect all the carrots on the level using arrows. The game was like using scratch because you had to code to control the bunny. The game was a bit hard but at the start of every level there was a tutorial on how to use the different codes.

Tech Reflection

This year every Friday our class went to Tamaki College to do Cooking, Graphics and Hard Materials. It has been a fun year to go to Tamaki because it gave the Year 8s a look at what it is like at college. In Cooking we learnt how to make a lot of yum stuff. Our teacher was Mrs Heka for most of our sessions. The next activity we went to was Graphics. In Graphics we made our own clocks out of wood. It was fun looking for designs. The final design I chose was a basketball. The last activity we did was Hard Materials. We were making stained glass designs. The design I chose was a shield with a cross on it. Out of all of the rotations, my favourite activity was Cooking because it was fun to learn how to cook.

Monday 4 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey

On Friday Hazel came in to talk to everyone about the summer learning journey. She told everyone that if you participate and come first, second or third you will get a prize. The theme for this summer learning journey is traveling back in time. The prizes will have things like lego, slime, fidget spinners and other cool things. It sounds like fun to do and you also get something if you are the most active blogger in the summer.

Tamaki College Tech - P.E

On Friday the year 7 and 8s went to tech. We did our normal rotation for the morning. We then split into groups. One group went to Robotics, Another group went to Social Science and another group went to P.E. I was in the P.E group. Our teacher was Mr Moyes and he told us that our focus was on teamwork. We then played a warmup game of infinity tag. After we were warmed up we played benchball. The aim of this game was to chose two catches. If the catcher catches your ball you join the catchers. When your whole team was on the platform your team wins. Mr Moyes added one interesting rule. If you got the yellow ball in the hoop your team won automatically. The other team won because they got the ball in from half court. We then played a game of Samoan Softball where you hit the ball with your hand and run to the wall. It was really fun at P.E because I like running around. This was our last session for the year. Looking back this year for tech was a fun year with cooking and making clocks. Thank you Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Heka and Mr Grundy for teaching and doing fun things with us.